Who can apply for REWIRE?
Please be aware: The Programme is open to researchers of all ages. However, given that REWIRE has been designed to support researchers in their postdoctoral phase who are on their way to the next main steps in their careers (i.e. becoming young group leaders and PIs). REWIRE has a focus on recruiting ambitious researchers who have the potential to embark on independent research careers and will be serious candidates for prestigious investigator grants such as the ERC Starting Grant or the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) START Prize.
Applicants must:
- Be female
- Have been awarded their PhD or will have successfully defended their PhD before the start of the fellowship
- Comply with the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Mobility Rule: you cannot have resided or carried out your main activity (work or studies) in Austria for more than 12 months in the last 3 years at the time of the call deadline
- Submit a complete application (in English) before the specific call deadline
Applicants are allowed to make only one application per call.
The application must be submitted electronically via the online application tool. Once the call is open, templates for your application can be downloaded here.
A complete application shall consist of the following:
- Web-form (filled out online directly prior to the submission of the Research Proposal Application Form and Supporting Documents)
- Research Proposal (template to be provided)
- Summary (1 page)
- Proposed Research Project (max. 5 pages)
- Literature References (1 page)
- Motivation to join the department/research group including a 5-year career plan (1 page)
- Ethics self-assessment table
- Supporting Documents
- Academic CV (max. 5 pages)
- Evidence of PhD (where applicable)
- Supporting Letter from the Hosting Mentor
- Passport Photo Page
- Two recommendation letters
- Letter of Commitment from the secondment partner (if applicable)
- Letter replying to suggestions and critical feedback from reviewers (resubmission only)
Further information can be found in the Guide for Applicants corresponding to the Call.